Outsourced Marketing for Connecticut Businesses
Access to high-level expertise within your budget without adding to your payroll costs.
JMK MARCOMM serves as Outsourced Marketing Manager or Outsourced Marketing Director for Connecticut businesses that want to grow but do not have a dedicate, experienced marketer on staff. You get access to high-level marketing expertise within your budget and matched to the goals of your business. We deliver a custom solution and don’t hold you to long contracts. We never use a cookie cutter approach because we understand that your needs and those of your business are unique.
Many businesses cobble together their marketing efforts only to end up with a fragmented approach that costs them money provides no measurable results. At JMK MarComm, we can organize all those fragmented parts, determine what you need, get your marketing in good shape, and show you how to determine your return on investment (ROI).
Are ready to grow to the next level and need marketing support for your business in Connecticut? You have to be online and have some kind of social media presence. You have to be visible to people searching for you on their cell phones, or they will buy from your competitor. You need strong online reviews and testimonials to convince potential clients to engage with you. It may seem overwhelming, but JMK can help sort it out for you.
At JMK MarComm, we keep on top of the latest developments with technology, social media, search engines, SEO, content strategies, and market drivers. We can see the whole picture in ways you cannot, because you must focus on running your business. That’s your expertise. Marketing is our expertise.