Marketing Solutions for Your Business
JMK MARCOMM provides marketing communication services including written content for websites, blogs, and articles; employee and client communications; creating and managing newsletters, email campaigns, and social media; writing and distributing PR press releases; and strategic marketing consulting and planning.
JMK MARCOMM steps in as Outsourced Marketing Manager for businesses that have no experienced marketer on staff. JMK draws from a vetted pool of talented writers, graphic designers, and technical specialists as needed to meet clients' needs.
The nature of marketing requires endurance, energy, and the ability to pivot swiftly, immediately, and often. Thus, the hummingbird is the perfect choice for the JMK MarComm logo icon.
The hummingbird is like no other bird. It is uniquely aerodynamically engineered to hover like a helicopter. It is the only bird that can fly backwards and upside down. Equipped with tremendous energy and endurance, hummingbirds are able to fly 500 miles non-stop over 20 hours.
Bringing experience, creative solutions, high energy, and the ability to pivot with fast response in a dynamic market, JMK MarComm is the most flexible solution for your marketing needs.

Meet the JMK Behind JMK
Founder and President of JMK MarComm LLC
Behind every successful business is a leader with creative vision and the energy and connections to get the job done right. That's Jill M. Kovalich, president and founder of JMK MarComm. Jill has over 25 years of experience in marketing, sales, training, and business development. She has held senior marketing and sales positions in a number of industries including Public Accounting, Print Technology, Financial, Translation and Localization, and Software Training. Her experience includes positions in Fortune 100 and 500 corporations.
Businesses hire Jill as their Outsourced Marketing Director to manage and guide their marketing activities. She is pragmatic and creative, and above all, she gets the job done! Jill enjoys working with and sharing her marketing and business acumen as an advisor to smaller businesses to help them thrive and grow to the next level.
An experienced and polished presenter, Jill has spoken on panels at conferences, created and delivered webinars on various topics, and authored articles and blogs for publications and online.